A chance to help reduce the risk of flooding


THE Environment Agency is looking for new members to join the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) – a body which helps combat the risk of flooding

The RFCC is aiming for a North West ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change.

It has a key role in helping to implement the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy – and is currently looking for people with expertise in spatial development and planning; climate-resilient public spaces and buildings; economics (including valuing environmental and wider society benefits); and the water industry.
Adrian Lythgo, chairman of the North West RFCC, said: “We all know how seriously floods affect people and communities. We have to be the best we can be at understanding risk so that in turn we can manage it across organisations.
” Membership of the RFCC is one-way citizens in the region can help us –through their expertise or ability to speak broadly for communities at risk of flooding.
”RFCCs are committees set up by the government to promote an understanding of flood risk, irrespective of cause, to agree local priorities, to raise a Local Levy and to approve programmes of work associated with managing the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.
“They also support the Environment Agency and local authorities in working with communities, business and others to raise funding for natural flood risk management measures, flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes
“Over the six-year period from 2021to 2026, the government is investing £5.2 billion in flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes. Additional funding from partners is also vital to enable as many communities as possible to be more resilient to climate change.”
Committee members do not receive a salary but expenses are paid. RFCCs meet four times a year with some additional work between official meetings to help progress the RFCC’s priorities.
The deadline for applications is Monday, August 16, with interviews taking place during early September. An application pack is available from [email protected] or by telephoning Rachel Harmer on 02030250946.


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