Change of use plan for farm building targeted by vandals


PLANS have been submitted for a change of use for a large currently unused farm building at Appleton, Warrington which has been targeted by vandals.

The scheme, which would allow the use of the building at Eton Park, Firs Lane, Appleton for a non-agricultural purpose, could help reduce vandalism and anti-social behaviour, it is suggested.
A report to be considered by Warrington Borough Council planners indicates the building has, in the past, been rented by local farmers for agricultural purposes.

But it has been standing empty and unused for some time.
The building is some eight years old and the original planning consent stipulated that it should be used for agricultural purposes
The applicants and landowners Graystones of London Ltd. wish to enable the building to be used for other suitable purposes although they indicate it is likely that eventually it would return to agriculture.
In addition to the change of use they wish to install new external cladding that would match cladding on an adjacent, smaller building and also provide additional hardstanding.
The building is accessed by a private track and there is adequate parking space.
Planning chiefs at Warrington will decide if the proposal can go ahead.


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