How to Open Your Own Art Gallery


Art galleries are, first and foremost, a business. This doesn’t mean that a passion for art and an admiration for artists aren’t a meaningful part of becoming a gallery owner. It is about striking a balance between creativity and business.

An art gallery needs to sell art to stay in business, after all. If you have a love of art and you’d like to open your own gallery, it can be hard to know where to start.

Read on for all the information you will need to open your own art gallery.


There are a few different areas of research you should do when opening your art gallery. The first thing you should research is the local market. What is already available in your local area? Some people choose to meet with members of the local art community to discuss their options. This research area will help you narrow your vision for the gallery in terms of scope and size. How will your gallery differ from others in the area? Determining a niche can help your gallery stand out and be successful.

Secondly, after deciding the type of art you would like to showcase, you should endeavour to soak in all necessary information about it. Try to gain a more profound knowledge of the artists and the pieces. When trying to sell pieces, if you can explain each piece, its meaning and relevance to its genre, buyers are much more likely to commit.

Business Model

Before opening, you should decide how you would like your gallery to conduct business. Create a business plan that lays out how your gallery will operate, market, and any growth plans. Decide how you will get funding and any necessary management structure. How does your art gallery make money? Is it simply by selling pieces, or will you rent the space for events to bring in extra income? Perhaps you will have merchandise? Are you plan on profiting from commissions? If so, how much? These are all things that need real consideration before opening. If the financial side is where you lose confidence, it can be worth outsourcing and seeking help. For example, a firm like Azets can provide strategic advice on business structuring, and they also have a specialism in the arts, which you could benefit from.


There are several key promotional opportunities for art galleries. Firstly, an online presence is crucial to promote your gallery. You should obtain all relevant social media handles and a website -try to keep the naming of them consistent. An online presence can also help you manage the space. Finally, there are several applications and pieces of software that you can utilise in the gallery’s running.

Secondly, the value of networking cannot be overstated. Connecting with people – both in and out of the art world- can aid your efforts to market your gallery. For example, some people choose to work together with other local galleries to put on a city-wide event such as an art walk. Consider hosting events in your gallery this will bring extra income in and bring new clientele in that may never have seen your gallery or the art you sell before.

Lastly, opening night. The actual opening of your gallery is integral in the promotion of your gallery. Opening night is indicative of the reception that your gallery will receive from your local community. The night should be planned down to the minute details.

In Conclusion

As the owner of an art gallery, you have an opportunity to showcase the work and advance the success of struggling, talented artists. Opening your own gallery is a great way to further your passions and build yourself a creatively fulfilling career.


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