How to Take Your Post Lockdown Hygiene to the Next Level


There are many lessons to be had from the pandemic and one of them is that we should take cleanliness more seriously.

A lot of Covid-19 cases are caused by poor sanitation so even after all this is done, we should take the appropriate steps towards protecting ourselves from other diseases and viruses as well.

How can you take care of yourself and your hygiene post-pandemic?

Clean Your House Regularly

We now also know the merits of keeping your house clean and sanitized most of the time. As such, even after the pandemic is done, you should take the time to provide your house with a deep clean regularly. You never know what kind of viruses or bacteria you bring in and out of the house, after all.
It doesn’t take much for another pandemic to start, so we should take it upon ourselves to prevent diseases from spreading. Keeping clean and hygienic is just one of them.

Don’t Trust In The 5-Second Rule

A lot of people live by the saying that if it doesn’t stay on the ground for more than 5 seconds, it’s safe. The cold hard truth is that there’s no scientific study proving or supporting this claim. However, the truth is that bacteria is going to latch onto your or your food, regardless of how long it has been on the floor.

Bacteria are fast and active creatures. They’ll attach themselves to anything they come in contact with, so as shown in the image above via Compare The Market, don’t trust the five-second rule. It’s much better to just throw away the food if it falls to the floor.

Be Mindful Of Those Around You

If you want to, there’s nothing wrong with wearing face masks even after the pandemic. There are various diseases and body conditions that you can get from breathing the air outside. You can completely remove the risks by always protecting yourself with the right face mask.

Always Bring Alcohol Or Sanitizers With You

Many expect that even after the pandemic, people are still going to bring alcohol and sanitizers with them at all times. You should do too. It pays to be safe than sorry. It’s very easy to bring a small bottle of these with you, so you virtually have no reason to avoid bringing one.

Spray or sanitize your hands every time you touch high-contact items such as money, doorknobs, and utensils. You should also try to sanitize seats and other things you use from the outside too. One spray makes a huge difference when it comes to your health and safety.



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