How to Implement More Storage Space into Your Kitchen


So much happens in your kitchen. From family meals and coffee catchups to grabbing a snack or doing the dishes. You need to keep a lot of stuff in your kitchen to keep your house running.

This makes it far too easy to run out of storage space, especially in smaller kitchens. We decided to put together a list so you can get the most out of your kitchen space and get your storage organised.

Have a Clear Out

First things first – have a clear out in all of your cupboards. This can help maximise the space you already have. You’ll be amazed by how much stuff you’ve accumulated and how much of it you don’t use. Whether it’s kitchen gadgets you’d swear you’d use but are still in the box, or even just old sets of cutlery or crockery. It’s important to ask yourself: do you really need this? During your clear-out process, you can create three piles for your stuff. Keep, donate, and throw away.

Utilise Hidden Space

When it comes to storage solutions, you want to be making the most out of the space you have available. This is the case for any sized kitchen, but particularly useful for smaller ones. Hammonds Kitchens’ expert, Stephen Lynskey said, “Whether it’s having a secret condiment pull out, an extra deep cupboard or a storage unit from the ceiling to the floor, getting that perfect balance of space and storage is crucial.” Look at how you’re currently using your kitchen space, and see if there are places you’ve overlooked. For instance, the top of the fridge or cabinets.

Get Creative

While you’re re-assessing your current storage space, it’s also worth checking out creative kitchen storage ideas. For example, a simple but effective way of making the most of your drawer space is getting dividers. It keeps things organised and you’ll be able to fit more stuff in them. You could also hang things up on the inside of your cabinet doors or put hooks underneath your shelves. There are so many creative storage solutions, you’ll be able to find ones that are suitable for your space.

Stay Organised

There are a few simple rules to follow when organising your kitchen. Create a logical layout, have your essentials in easy to reach places, and group equipment by purpose. You may need to test various layouts to see which ones work best. Find a system you know you can stick with. You don’t want to go from the hard effort of organising, to have the clutter build up all over again.

Kitchen storage is so important for making the most out of your space, as well as helping you keep the room organised. Have you got any tips for keeping kitchen storage tidy?


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