Help the Person Become Motivated to Recover with These Addiction Recovery Tips


Seeing someone we love struggling with addiction can be heart-breaking. You may start to see the signs early on and try to do everything in your power to help them, only to find that nothing is working.

Many people ask themselves what they can do to support their loved ones, but this is a difficult position to be in, as ultimately, it comes down to the addict. Evidently, addiction does not solely affect the person with the issue but also those around them.

Addicts may have some moments of clarity when they become aware of the ripple effects of their addiction. However, they may also live in constant denial, and ultimately, their focus will be to satisfy their needs. Without motivation, one cannot initiate rehabilitation. Although you cannot take over the recovery journey and do this for your loved one, there may be things you can do to increase their motivation. In this article, we will provide you with addiction recovery tips to help the person become motivated to recover.

Understand the Addiction

Addiction often involves a range of emotions for the addict and their loved ones. You must ignore the emotions and think with your brain: understanding addiction and rehabilitation are fundamental for supporting someone. You cannot help them if you have no idea what they are going through. Moreover, there are so many addictions out there (drugs, gambling, sex), you should understand the specific issue your loved one is going through.

Discuss The Issue With Your Loved One

Addicts often have one sole focus – their addiction. The issues this is causing may seem clear to you, but your loved one may not realize this. Sit down with them and tell them how you feel. Help them learn the impact their problem is having on themselves and on you. Be mindful that this will not automatically motivate them to stop, but it may allow them to start contemplating whether they should and want to recover.

Ask Them What Help They Need

The best way to support someone is by directly asking what they need. The support your loved ones require may differ greatly from what you imagine. You should not force your help on your loved ones as this may keep them further away from you. Let them know you are there for them and that they can come to you for help whenever needed.

Seek The Support of Professionals

You may not be able to do this alone. It can be useful to contact professionals who have the knowledge of structured interventions that your loved one may benefit from. Recovery is a difficult process, and addicts and families may struggle to go through this journey together, and this can have a massive impact on relationships. There is a range of treatments available, from counseling to in-patient rehab. The latter is usually the most effective choice, depending on the degree of the issue. People often do not choose this option due to fear they will not be able to see their family. However, it is recommended you find a rehabilitation centre in your local area. If you live in Canada, for example, visit an addiction treatment center in BC with your loved one. This is a safe place where you can learn more about recovery and what may be available to them.

Set Achievable Goals

One of the best ways to increase motivation is by setting up small goals that one can easily achieve. Recovery does not always equal full abstinence. A reduction of the need for addiction or the ability to control oneself is great progress, and this must be celebrated and appreciated. Remember that relapses are part of the cycle of change and are inevitable. By achieving small steps, your loved one will be able to see progress every day, which will increase their motivation.

The Person Must Want to Change

You must remember that it is not a good idea to force your loved one to change. This is not feasible and will not make them more motivated. All focus should be on the addict and their needs. Change always comes from within, and if someone is seriously not motivated, enforcing this on them will not be beneficial.

Take Time for Yourself

Helping someone through a hard time can take an emotional toll on you. You must remember to take time to look after yourself too. You will not be able to help anyone if you are not feeling well within yourself. Take time away from your loved ones so that you can fully help them when it is time to focus on them.

Recovering from an addiction can be an overwhelming and extremely emotional journey. Follow some of the tips above to motivate your loved ones to start their journey into rehabilitation so that they can understand their issue and want to change their life.



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