Vaccination roll-out success across Warrington


WARRINGTON’S vaccination programme is being hailed as a “fantastic achievement” by the town’s public health leaders as part of Cheshire and Merseyside’s roll-out, which is celebrating the significant milestone of one million jabs across the region.

Latest data shows more than half adults in many areas of Warrington have now received at least their first vaccination – see table at bottom of article for vaccination rates in your neighbourhood.
In Warrington, the GP-led programme has worked incredibly quickly to deliver vaccines from two sites – the Halliwell Jones Stadium and Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub – and has worked alongside the Warrington Hospital Hub, and local vaccination centres and community pharmacies.
The successful roll-out of the programme is a collaborative effort across the local health and care system, with the first nine cohorts of people invited for their first dose, with some of the borough’s more clinically vulnerable people, and the staff that support them, receiving their second dose.

Thara Raj, Director of Public Health for Warrington, said: “The range of settings through which the vaccine has been delivered is testament to the collaborative, whole-system approach which has enabled Warrington and the wider region to reach this number of vaccines administered. This is a fantastic achievement and really encouraging news as we look forward to the future and the path out of the pandemic.
“I want to emphasise that the vaccines we are using have been approved for use after rigorous evaluation, which is why it is being offered safely to people in order of the nationally agreed priority list. I am urging everyone to book an appointment for their vaccine when you are invited to do so. This life-saving jab will not only provide protection, but will also provide peace of mind as we start on the path of easing lockdown restrictions.”

Public health director Thara Raj

Residents who are currently eligible for the vaccine are those aged 50 or over, people who have a health condition that puts them at greater risk, or anyone who is a health or social care worker or unpaid carer.
Dr Andrew Davies, Clinical Chief Officer for NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Due to the incredible efforts of partners across the local health and care system, thousands of people in the borough have already received their vaccination. We want to thank primary care networks, GPs, nurses, vaccinators, administrators, volunteers, and others who have shown tremendous dedication and commitment to co-ordinating and supporting the roll-out of the vaccine in Warrington.
“We continue to encourage everyone who is invited for vaccination to take up the offer. Appointments for first doses are still available for the rest of March, but they are filling up fast. So, if you are in an eligible group and you haven’t booked your first dose yet, the time to do so is right now.
“If you already have an appointment in the coming weeks, whether for your first or second dose, it’s really important that you attend it as planned. If you do not have an appointment yet for your second dose, you do not need to contact the NHS, please be reassured you will be contacted.”
It’s quick and simple to book – contact your GP practice, visit the national booking service at or call 119. If you are aged 50 or over, there is also the option to book an appointment at Warrington Hospital by using their online booking system at – please note, proof of age will be required.
Delivery of second doses of the vaccine have now started and will be increasing over the coming weeks while first doses to the relevant cohorts continue. For more information about the vaccination programme in Warrington, visit

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About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for this Gary. Despite a commitment from Mr Bowden several weeks ago to include vaccination data on the council coronavirus web page it has yet to appear. WW once again provides the information first!

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