Woman walks 100k to raise money for research into painful condition


A WARRINGTON woman has completed a 100k walk to raise money for Endometriosis UK – a charity that supports research into a painful condition that affects 10 percent of women worldwide.

Clare Preston, 45, has suffered from endometriosis since she was 13, although the condition was not diagnosed until she was 41.
She said: “It’s a terrible condition that not many have heard of so I want to highlight it more.”
Clare, who raised over £200 from her walk, said endometriosis was a long-term condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places such as ovaries and fallopian tubes.
“Symptoms of endometriosis include severe pain in lower tummy, back and pelvis. Treatments include painkillers, hormone medicines and surgery to remove endometriosis lesions.
“It’s not clear what causes endometriosis. It may be linked to your genes. I’m currently doing a 100k walk to raise money for endometriosis UK. They provide research and support into the condition.
“I started my journey with endo when I was 13 years old but was diagnosed until age 41 after having a hysterectomy. I spent years in and out of hospital in so much pain. Near misses from passing out and hitting my head numerous times.
“No one could ever tell me what was wrong. Always being told its in your head or its normal. It’s what girls go through. Through doing my own research I finally found a surgeon who treated me last year.

“But because it had been left untreated for years it had spread to my kidneys and bowel. To diagnose endometriosis you have a procedure called a laparoscopy. But it can take up to 10 years to get a proper diagnosis.”
“It’s a terrible condition that not many have heard of. I just want to highlight it more. Sadly there is no cure at this stage. But with raising awareness and funds it will mean future generations don’t suffer like I have and thousands of others.
“If anyone who reads this feels they can relate to it, they should contact their GP. It’s not just a bad period!”


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