Extension proposed for Warrington Hospital A&E department


PLANS have been submitted for a two-storey extension to the emergency department at Warrington Hospital.

The proposals put forward by Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would provide improved facilities within the emergency department in Appleton Wing to enable the hospital to cope with present and future demand.
Clinical and staff areas would be separated where possible to provide clear, legible accommodation for patients and staff and an improved assessment/treatment area to provide better patient experience.
An enclosed plant space would be located on the flat roof of the new building.
A report to be considered by borough council planning chiefs says the new building has been designed in consultation with hospital staff and user groups.
Site for the new extension is to the south of Appleton Wing in an area currently covered in tarmacadam where there are six disabled parking spaces and an ambulance drop-off area. Some re-routing of traffic routes within the hospital grounds would be necessary.
Appleton Wing was built in the early 1970s to provide outpatient facilities. Over the past 50 years there have been a number of alterations and additions, the most notable being a single-storey extension to the A&E department in the early 2000s


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