When will golfers be allowed back on the course?


Golfers in Warrington and the north-west are still left in limbo over when they will be allowed back on the courses. There seems no immediate end in sight to the course closed signs being taken down, but when might golf return?

Much as was the case in the first national lockdown between March and May, golf has been on the excluded list in England, Wales and Northern Ireland since the country was told to stay at home once again from January 5.

While the British weather would have put paid to many opportunities to golf anyway over the last month or so, golfers across the border in Scotland have been allowed to continue playing with a member of one other household.

What golfers here in Warrington and the wider north-west would give to be able to tee it up – even in a two-ball if not the regular four mates who play every week or weekend.

With memberships needing to be renewed, some new golf irons bought ahead of the 2021 season waiting for their first outing or even a new bobble hat in the bag to fight away the cold, the question still remains: when will golf course re-open?

The answer is unclear, although with schools not reopening until March 8 at the earliest in England, that is the soonest we can expect to be fighting for tee times.

England Golf’s chief executive Jeremy Tomlinson has failed in his bid to persuade the government that golf is an important form of exercise – and crucial to fight mental health. Fishing’s governing body managed it, but golf remains off the table.

A petition of more than 100,000 signatures calling for the reopening of golf courses was discussed in parliament – as it has to be when it reaches that figure. But that was as far as it got. It didn’t result in a reversal of the government decision on golf.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was also asked about golf’s return in parliament, but gave little away to his thinking with his response. “We will be able to populate the diary ahead with some more milestones (in the coming weeks)” was what he said.

Golfers have, however, been given a glimmer of hope with the release of a 13-page document from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf. The group, which includes MPs, is calling for a phased return to golf with similar safe practice methods used throughout the summer.

“Overall, golf has the same health benefits as walking, cycling and running and, if anything, with the uncrowded nature of courses and strict protocols provided, risk of transmission during golf is lower than these other health enhancing physical activities,” the report states.

“If scientific evidence is to be applied logically and consistently, golf should be permitted to return during the current phase of national lockdown (commencing 4 January 2021), incorporating enhanced protocols appropriate for the new variant described in this paper.

“In lockdown conditions golf can be played within a household group, or with two adults from different households. At lower COVID-19 alert levels (Tier 1-4) golf can be played safely within the Rule of Six (fourball). Clubhouse, retail, and hospitality facilities, as predominantly indoor offerings are, and should be subject to additional restrictions at this point in the pandemic.”

While it offers some hope of golf courses reopening, it is unlikely to have any impact before the next government strategy move is made in mid-February. And golf in the region is unlikely to be back before mid-March.


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