Twitter: How to grow your brand in this social media driven landscape


Social media has blown up in the last few years, and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t connected. Twitter has especially received massive amounts of popularity over the last few years and there were about 328 million monthly users in 2018.

Many brands are now using Twitter to gain exposure, reach new audiences and followers, inform customers about products and services, and to raise brand awareness. In other words, this might make it difficult for you to begin doing the same thing if you are new to this, and you might require some help.

Using social media to grow your brand can take some time to master, especially Twitter, and it is understandable if you are having difficulty. Here are a few tips and tools to use in order to grow your brand in this social media driven landscape.

Find your voice

There are many brands that attempt to have their fingers in every pie, and post content that doesn’t seem to have a coherent theme. This is something that you should avoid doing at all costs. Developing a brand personality is important any many ways, first and foremost being; this is how people will relate to your brand and content.

There are a few main personalities that brands have adopted over the years, such as sincere, competent, rugged, excited and sophisticated. Knowing which of these is easiest for you to use will determine the kind of content that you put out, and also the kind of audience you are hoping to attract. Find your voice early will connect you to the followers you truly want to have.

You can’t grow without followers

Talking about followers, that is something that any brand needs on a social media platform in order to succeed. Even if you have a great product, that won’t matter if your follower count is low, since these days the number of followers you have acts as social proof. This means that when a user views your profile, the first thing they will look at is your follower count, even before looking at your content, and this will help to determine whether you are worth following or not. This is why it might be a good idea to use a service such as Twesocial.

This service will provide you with a team that will manage your account, after your answer a few questions relate to your target audience, and they will do the rest for you. This includes deciding what content to post, when to post it, how often, as well as engaging with other accounts and your followers to promote organic follower growth.

Exposure is gained through engagement

One mistake that many brands make is assuming that posting content is enough to win followers. While this may be partially true, if you truly want to grow your brand significantly, then knowing that Twitter is a social platform will do wonders.

When you think about it, it’s quite simple; people won’t engage with you, if you won’t engage with them. This is why it is extremely beneficial to take advantage of the social aspect of Twitter.

Use Twitter chats and talk to other users, get your profile seen by everyone you speak to and those just reading the conversation, retweet some of their posts and they will retweet some of yours. This is the best way to create engagement and generate exposure, while also creating relationships with potential followers.

Post at the right time

The best thing that you can do is to learn when to post a tweet, because if you don’t, then there is a big chance they won’t be seen. To put it into perspective, in 5 minutes, which is roughly how long it takes to make a cup of coffee, about 17.5 million tweets are sent. If a user had their phone in their pocket while making that cup of coffee, and they follow over 1000 people, your tweet is not going to be seen.

Use analytics to make the most of your tweets and post at times when your followers are active. It is also recommended to post at least once a day to maintain engagement with followers, and twice a day to reach new ones.


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