Warrington to return to Tier 3 on Boxing Day!


WARRINGTON will return to Tier 3 on Boxing Day after being revealed as having one of the highest incidence rates of the new strain of COVID-19.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock made the announcement today after the new coronavirus variant was credited with pushing infection numbers to record high levels in some areas.
Mr Hancock also said two cases of a new, “more transmissible” COVID-19 variant linked to South Africa have been identified in the UK.
The announcement to move Warrington back into Tier 3 comes as the latest verified seven-day total for positive COVID-19 cases in the town stands at 494. The borough is now seeing 235.2 cases per 100,000 as of 16 December, which is a steep increase from previous weeks.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Russ Bowden, said: “We are disappointed to see the recent acceleration of rates of infection in Warrington. Our communities and businesses have played their part in avoiding tier 3 restrictions up to this point, and I would like to pay tribute to them, and to our local public health teams, for their amazing dedication and commitment.
“While I agree that additional restrictions have become necessary, the decision to implement them at this time will have a devastating impact on our hospitality businesses and their employees. I therefore call on the government to provide additional support for those affected, and the local resources we need to turn this situation around as quickly as possible. We will continue to do all we can to support our communities at this challenging time.
“I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone in our town – businesses, key workers and our communities – for working hard to follow the restrictions in place and know you will do the same once we enter tier 3. Defeating the virus is only a matter of time, but until then we must continue to remain resolute and play our part to stop the virus from spreading.”
Cabinet member for public health, Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, said: “The number of coronavirus cases in Warrington has been rapidly increasing and we must do all we can to stop the virus from spreading further.
“It will be disappointing news to many that we are going back into Tier 3, but if everyone plays their part we stand a chance of reversing the trend and seeing a decline in case numbers. Please remember the basics – hands, face, space – and continue to follow them with rigour. The fewer people you come into contact with, the less chance of the virus spreading. And with one in three people who have COVID-19 not displaying any symptoms, it’s critical that we all keep following the rules – even if we don’t feel unwell.”
The council’s Director of Public Health, Thara Raj, added: “Although the new strain of coronavirus seems to be more concentrated in the south of the country, it is spreading across the country and government believe it is a more contagious strain. People will be wondering if observing the ‘hands, face, space’ approach is enough – and they are right to ask this. The answer, however, is yes: sticking to the basics is our best shot at getting Warrington and our communities through.
“Although help is on its way with the vaccine, the quantities are not there yet to make a difference to the spread of the virus within our communities at this point. So, please keep following the rules, you have all been fantastic at doing this.”
Warrington’s move to a ‘very high’ risk area means that:
•You must not socialise with anybody you don’t live with, unless you have formed a household or childcare support bubble, in any indoor setting or venue – including homes or restaurants
•You must not socialise with anybody you don’t live with, unless you have formed a household or childcare support bubble, in any private garden, or at most outdoor hospitality venues and ticketed events
•You must not socialise in a group of more than six in an outdoor public space, like parks
•Pubs and bars that do not serve substantial meals as a restaurant must close
•You should avoid travelling outside Warrington wherever possible – only essential journeys, such as for work or caring responsibilities, should be made
•You should avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK
If you’ve had a positive test result, are displaying coronavirus symptoms, or are told to self-isolate via NHS Test and Trace or local contact tracers, then you must observe self-isolation rules immediately and not mix with anyone outside your household for the full isolation period.
The full list of ‘very high’ risk guidance, restrictions and exemptions will be updated on the council’s coronavirus page.

Commenting on the announcement Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols said: “This afternoon the Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that Warrington will be going back into Tier 3 on Boxing Day.
“With the spread of COVID-19 and this new strain, it is understandable that new restrictions need to be introduced in order to control the spread of the virus. This is especially acute for us because the scientists have told us today that Warrington and Cheshire have the highest incidence of the new strain in the North West. I want to reassure you, though, that although it is more infectious there is no evidence that the new strain results in more serious illnesses and the vaccine will still be effective.
“As your MP I will continue to fight for the necessary economic support needed to protect livelihoods in our town. The Government seems to make these decisions with no consideration on their impacts on the livelihoods of small businesses who are given the false hope of Tier 2 and will now have to write off a significant amount of stock.
“This news will also be a cause of significant distress to many Warrington residents. I want to make people aware that The North West Boroughs Health crisis line number for Warrington is 0800 051 1508 and the Samaritans can be called on 116 123.
“I also want to make clear my displeasure that we first had to find this news after it was leaked to a journalist at The Times, rather than being told directly by the Government. It shows a real disrespect to us that has been characteristic of this Government.”
Warrington South MP Andy Carter said:: “The steep increase in infections over the last seven days meant further restrictions were inevitable. It means re-doubling efforts to follow the guidance, particularly on Christmas Day.
“Around 1 in 3 people won’t know they’re infectious which is why I am again asking for additional community testing in Warrington, similar to that carried out in Liverpool, to help reduce the spread by identifying those people carrying the virus who are unaware.
“The impact on the hospitality sector remains significant and I will continue to push Government to do all it can to properly support businesses forced to close and we need a speedy distribution of grants through the Council when funding is allocated.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Pingback: Warrington to return to Tier 3 on Boxing Day! – Gary Skentelbery | Warrington Gazette

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