MP accuses “dithering and delaying” government of being shambolic after Christmas plans cancelled for millions


WITH Christmas plans now effectively cancelled for millions across the country Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols accused the government of being shambolic by “dithering and delaying” on expert advice.

In a move prompted by fears over a new strain of coronavirus, all of those areas currently in Tier 3 in the South East – including London – will move to a new Tier 4 on Sunday while across the rest of England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced the planned five-day easing of restrictions over the festive period will now be limited to Christmas Day.
“Given the early evidence we have on this new variant of the virus, and the potential risk it poses, it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you we cannot continue with Christmas as planned,” he announced at a Downing Street news conference on Saturday.
However, communal worship will be allowed to continue under toughened restrictions.
Mr Johnson abandoned his previous plans for a five-day relaxation of COVID rules over Christmas telling those in Tier 4 areas they will no longer be allowed to form “Christmas bubbles” with other households.
Outside of the South East, people will still be allowed to mix in private homes with up to two other households, but now only on Christmas Day.
“When the virus changes its method of attack, we must change our method of defence,” Mr Johnson said.
“As your prime minister, I sincerely believe there is no alternative open to me.”
Accusing the Prime Minister of letting the British people down Warrington North MP Charlotte Nicohols said:“The COVID-19 crisis is totally unprecedented and with the threat of a new virus, it was always going to be difficult.
“That being said, all that the British people can expect is for the Government to be open and transparent with us. With the announcement today, it seems that was too much to ask- this has been utterly shambolic.
“Earlier this week the British Medical Journal and Health Service Journal called on the Government to re-evaluate their plans for Christmas following the discovery of a variant of the virus. The Prime Minister dismissed this advice and the government guidance was left unchanged.
“In doing so, the Prime Minister let the British people down. His delaying and dithering on this has come at the expense of many families’ plans for Christmas.
“The pandemic was unprecedented, but the scale of the crisis in this country was entirely avoidable. Had the Government locked down earlier in both March and October, the virus would be under control to a greater degree. Had they not hived off Test and Trace to private contractors this would have helped further. Had they properly communicated the rules and not undermined them with the Barnard Castle saga then we would be in a far better position than we are now.
“As we all ponder this news tonight I am particularly thinking of those people who are living alone this Christmas and those who were excited to see family they had not seen since March. The country has been badly, badly let down.”
Meanwhile, Warrington South MP Andy Carter said: “I am genuinely sorry to see these steps are coming in so close to Christmas but when the information available changes it’s right that the Government takes steps to take to keep us all safe. Governments in Scotland and Wales are taking similar steps because they too have received the same scientific briefing.
“This new variant discovered in Kent spreads faster than the original virus, however, it is not believed to be any more severe in terms of illness. These measures will have the greatest impact on areas of London and the South East, where there have been steep rises in hospital admissions.
“In Warrington and other parts of Northern England instances of the new variant are significantly lower than in the south and infection rates are already being kept under control by the existing tier measures.
“In our area, the only change that has been announced is that Christmas bubbles will now only be permitted on Christmas day itself, rather than the previously agreed five day period.
“Whilst this is a very difficult decision it would be disappointing to see the effort that people have made here over recent weeks and months to be undone now. I hope that everyone will understand how important it is that we all observe this adjustment to Christmas bubbles and think carefully before mixing with people who may be vulnerable”.

Infection rates continue to rise in Warrington as 74 new COVID-19 cases confirmed


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. Well done Charlotte for showing how little you understand about the virus but then apparently politicians should never let a good crisis go to waste!

    The COGS consortium needed time to get extra samples from the Tier 4 areas and presumably others to do sequences of the RNA. They usually just sample a limited range of areas and this investigation will have taken some time to re-focus. On the other hand coming up with conflating a general medical opinion and the effect of a new variant is trivial for opposition politicians to use to justify opinions based only on hindsight.

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