MP raises a glass to award winning gin producer


QUINTESSENTIAL Brands – owners of Warrington-based G&J Distillers – have won the gin producer of the year award for the third year in a row.

Among the first to send congratulations was Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols.
It’s the fifth time in six years that G&J Distillers have won the award – “something we can all be proud of” says the MP.
G&J Distillers were established in Warrington in 1761 and is a major employer in the town, with 160 people at its distillery and neighbouring offices.
Ms Nichols said: “I am delighted that G&J Distillers have been recognised for their superb work. With one fifth of the world’s gin manufactured here in Warrington North.
“As your MP I will continue to champion local gin manufacturers, toasting them in my Maiden Speech in Parliament and supporting them in work on the BEIS Select Committee andt he ShadowInternational Trade team.
“I am incredibly proud of this astonishing achievement and look forward to raising a glass of G&T in their honour later!”


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1 Comment

  1. The MP talking rubbish about 1 fifth of the worlds gin being produced in Warrington. She’s clearly never heard of Ginebra San Miguel gin, that sells over 4 times more gin than Gordans gin, which is the UK’s top selling Gin. Great that a Warrington based company has won an award, but try and keep the BS to a minimum please.

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