How your personal finances can put you at risk from Covid-19


COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting those most in debt – and Warrington has a debt level higher than the national average.

This is according to a new survey of 300,000 people struggling with their personal finances carried out by a firm specialising in software to help people manage their personal finances.
The survey, compiled by The Aryza Group, reveals that the average debt level in Warrington is £31,539 – 13 per cent higher than the national average.
Out of 29 areas worst affected by the pandemic, 27 locations are collectively experiencing average individual debt levels nearly 10 per cent higher than the UK average, and Warrington is one of them.
With fresh fears of rapid increases in infection rates as the cold weather hits, and so many of the UK workforce still facing widespread job uncertainty, company spokesman Martin Prigent, Aryza said: “It goes without saying that the UK is facing its most difficult time in decades, but for those living within our poorest communities, those difficulties are definitely compounded. Not many within these key areas can self-isolate or in some cases, take advantage of the Government’s support scheme, and as a result, could actually see their debt levels increase.
“Our study results are certainly interesting as they highlight the true cost of COVID-19 for so many who are battling with their personal finances. And, with COVID-19 cases creeping up further each day, for some, those financial worries will only get worse.”
Further information about the Aryza Group is available at
Pictured: A map showing Tier 2 and 3 areas and their debt levels


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