Darren’s “virtual” marathon raises £1,500


SCHOOL attendance officer Darren Willcock raised more than £1,500 running in the “virtual” London Marathon.
He was one of some 45,000 people who ran the marathon in various parts of the world and he ran the last seven miles on the playing fields of his school – Warrington’s Sir Thomas Boteler CE High School.
Sixty students and a number of other members of staff joined him for the final part of the run – spaced out in their “bubbles”.
Mr Willcock, who had been training for six months for the run told the other runners: “I could not have done that without all of you as well. We never do things by halves do we? Every one of you on this field now: we’ve done this together.”
School graphic designer and publicity manager Alice Roberts said: “Our school’s team spirit soared high today. Darren’s sheer determination, coupled with his unwavering care for the people around him is inspirational. We are incredibly lucky to know and work with him.”
Mr Willcock was running in a charity place for the National Autistic Society, and has raised over £1,500 for them.
Headteacher Mrs Beverley Scott-Herron commented: “Events like this are the true epitome of everything we stand for as a school. Hope, compassion and endurance are our values, and this is what has been shown today. To watch a member of the Boteler team achieve a lifetime goal is so emotional and heartwarming. It gives me inspiration.”
Mr Willcock said: “At the begining, I couldn’t even run a mile. And then I built up to 19 miles. And I never passed that until today. It just shows what you can do when you put your mind to it. Anything’s achievable. I’m proud that I’ve finished, but I’m even more proud of all the students that took part. I couldn’t have done it without their support. The staff and students were absolutely amazing. I’ve not done it – we’ve done it. And that’s what we do best at Boteler. We do things together.”


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