Police warn of “convincing” email scammers who are after your money


POLICE at Warrington have issued warnings about two scam emails that are arriving in people’s in-boxes.
One involves a convincing looking email targeting people whose TV licences may be due – including pensioners who are having to pay for their licences for the first time for years.
The other promises tax refunds – and Action Fraud say they received 150 reports of this scam in 24 hours.
Police warned that the fake TV licence scam involves a convincing looking email with links to websites designed to steal personal and financial details.
Recipients are warned not to click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails and never to reply to requests for personal or financial information.
Anyone who receives a suspicious email should report it here: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/information/report-suspicious-emails
People who receive the fake tax refund email claiming to be from HMRevenue and Customs (HMRC) should forward it to [email protected] 


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