BBL Makes Announcement Following 2019-2020 Season Postponement


After just not long ago BBL teams were talking about the proposals to end the current season in September, it seems that things had to change, for the sake of everyone.

Since the world is dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and large gatherings would be too risky, the British Basketball League came out with an announcement on April 22. The announcement was made after the 2019-20 season had to be postponed due to the pandemic.

If you were one of the sports betting enthusiasts looking forward to some basketball betting online with BBL teams, you may be disappointed. But it has to be done to protect people’s health. To help you get through these challenging times yourself, let’s find out what the BBL had to say about the matter.

Weekly Online Board Meetings

Following the 2019-2020 season, the British Basketball League (BBL) thought about issuing an update, letting fans know what’s going on. The post was made by Andy Webb, the Chief Operating Officer of BBL.

As the world is fighting to combat COVID-19, the season had to be postponed, but that doesn’t mean people will sit at home hearing nothing about basketball anymore. In fact, there will be Board meetings online every week. These are meant to help with maintaining the clubs and the league and make announcements about the estimated competition restart date.

“With the 2019/20 season currently postponed due to the on-going measures in place to help combat COVID-19, we have been holding weekly Board meetings online, to determine the best strategies for sustaining the league and our clubs through these extraordinary times, and how and when we might restart competitions. These discussions include how we might finish the 2019/20 season and prepare for next season.”

Not to mention, the meetings will be held with clubs as well. This is to review the Board’s proposals and talk about the issues caused by the pandemic, as well as share best practice.

Planning a Safe Return

Right now, it’s hard to say when things are going to be back to normal. However, members of the clubs are talking about what options there are to aid a safe return to action. There is likely to be something said a few weeks from now, once it will be clearer what the Government allows. There will be certain matters discussed.

“The main options being discussed are:

  1. Completing the 2019/20 season before commencing the 2020/21 season
  2. Writing off the 2019/20 season and amending the structure and format of the 2020/21 season”

The BBL cares about the health of the players, but also the health of supporters. While things are bad right now, the BBL is staying in contact with leagues all over the world.

Final Thoughts

You were most likely planning to check basketball odds and pay attention to NBA scores, but now that everyone has to stay inside, no match is happening. And since the 2019-2020 season got postponed, you will have to wait much longer to see any of the teams in action. Keep an eye on the BBL though, and you will find out when basketball games will be back to normal.



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