Version three of ‘Warrington Means Business’ set to be approved


A THIRD version of “Warrington Means Business” – the town’s vision for its future development – is set to be approved at a meeting of the borough council’s cabinet on Monday, November 11.

Introducing the document, Warrington Borough Council leader  Cllr. Russ Bowden says the borough is one of the most powerful engines of economic growth in the Northern Powerhouse and the UK today.

“This is now being recognised through independent research and by government and investors and developers,“ he says

“Warrington Means Business is the Council’s economic growth and regeneration programme. It was first published in 2013. Its first revision was agreed by the executive board in December 2016.

It has been used to promote the growth of Warrington, attract investment and development and has guided the growth and infrastructure programmes of the Council, Warrington & Co, the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and other key partners.

“ Much has been achieved and our plans have evolved and progressed further. Warrington is becoming increasingly attractive as a place to invest and to live. The Town Centre in particular is becoming a real focus for urban living.

“It is now timely that Warrington Means Business be updated to better reflect the Council’s growth aspirations and to more clearly promote Warrington’s growth and investment potential and opportunities. “

Cllr Bowden says the aim of the revised Warrington Means Business remains unchanged:

Cllr Russ Bowden

To unleash the potential of Warrington’s people, its businesses, its connectivity, and its place, to accelerate economic growth and reinforce Warrington as a strong national driver of prosperity.

But Version 3 has been developed in-line with the borough’s Health and Well-being Strategy, the sub-regional Strategic Economic Plan and the evolving Local Industrial Strategy evidence base. It will ensure that local residents can take full advantage of the opportunity Warrington’s growth provides.

The document is consistent with and reflects the new draft Warrington Local Plan and the new Local Transport Plan.

It outlines the council’s and Warrington & Co’s growth and infrastructure programme and projects underway now and into the future. It was always envisaged that it would be a ‘”live” document and therefore would be revised and updated regularly.

The documents components are:
• Building a Strong and Integrated Policy Base and the Tools for the Job
• Reinforcing and Enhancing Warrington’s Connectivity
• Creating New and Well Connected Business Development Areas
• Enhancing Warrington’s Talent
• Reinforcing Liveability
• Town Centre Focus
• Actively Supporting Growth and Investment
• Inclusive Growth
• Working on a Wider Footprint – Agglomeration
• Working Together
• Image and Marketing.

Although very similar in thrust to the original document, the revised Warrington Means Business introduces a number of important additional concepts – for example, inclusive growth and enhancing productivity – the latter being a key priority for the Cheshire & Warrington LEP and Government. It also reinforces the need for Warrington to look beyond its boundaries to its wider economic hinterland and wider connectivity.

There are no direct financial considerations related to this report – however, it will form a guide to priority council investments and funding bids into the future. – these will be assessed at a delivery programme and project level and will be subject to detail business cases.

The Warrington Means Business growth programme seeks to enable an enhancement of the prosperity of all residents in the Borough.

Cabinet members will be recommended to agree the revised programme as the framework for business growth and regeneration in the Borough, delegate to the director of growth and the council leader, any final minor amendments prior to final publications and agree that a communications and marketing programme be developed to promote and communicate the revised Warrington Means Business vision


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1 Comment

  1. Amidst the welter of words in this “live document”, there seems to be no mention of the environmental aspects or the need improve them that will arise, if some let alone all, the listed aspirations are achieved. There are no specific environmental goals listed in the bullet points, unless “Reinforcing Liveability” can somehow be interpreted as having an environmental and/or ecological connection.

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