MP accuses rival of copying her policies


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones has announced her retirement at the December 12 General Election – but is still campaigning.
She has accused the Conservatives in her constituency of copying her policies.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” she said.
“But people at forthcoming General Election should choose the real deal in the Labour candidate rather than the Tory who copies Labour policies and suggests they are her own.
““I have seen the literature currently being circulated by the Tories in my constituency. It is like a check list of issues I have been pursuing over the past few years:
– A new hospital situated north of the ship canal. I asked the Tory minister to ensure this would be the case in July last year. He refused to make that pledge.
– More GPs in Warrington. I have been pressing this matter since 2014 but again the Tory minister has not responded in a favourable way.
– Opposing development at Peel Hall.  I have been instrumental in opposing this for years and my recent petition secured nearly a thousand signatures.
– Recruiting more police officers. Again, one of my campaigns in the face of Tory Budgets which have seen cuts in funding for the police.
– Protecting the environment. I have been calling for Warrington to become a fracking free-zone since 2015.
– School funding increases. I have fought for such increases against a background of Tory cuts and under funding.
“It is, I suppose gratifying, that the Tories are imitating me and championing the issues I have been supporting for many years. Perhaps they should join the Labour Party and condemn the Tory Government who have been instrumental in blocking any progress in these matters.”
Conservative candidate for Warrington North is Wendy Maisey.
Labour have yet to name their candidate to take Ms Jones’ place.


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1 Comment

  1. Does this mean that the two parties are going to go to the same printer for their leaflets and just change the rosette and colour ? It will certainly cut the costs of the campaigns or is it the case that the early bird catches the voter?

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

    But whenever the new candidate steps forward will they also do the same – surely they will stand on their own policies or will they be Corbyn’s Poodle?

    There are after all only so many takes on policies – will there really be that much difference between the Reds and the Blues.

    I’m sure that the other colours will have different manifestos after all the public deserve some clear water and choice to get the country out of the current stalemate and indecision.

    Maybe a few local Independents could enter the contest and rock the boat, does anyone know of a likely candidate?

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