Isolating street noise 


The accelerated growth of large cities that, on one hand generate important job opportunities, access to higher education and cultural activities; and on the other hand, the rapid increase in constructions that show the development and nonconformity of the human being of seeing and having always the same houses that were seen before they became buildings to be able to cover the need for more population, more homes, more offices, more businesses, more roads for vehicles and above all, the rising of noise and visual pollution.

The daily hectic schedule and the multiple occupations causes people to want to arrive home to rest after a long day of work. Due to that,  construction works are more and more frequent, Maccaferri created noise barriers for construction sites, with this method, the energy of the sound wave is converted into heat inside the insulation. This increases energy efficiency while reducing sound. It also works to take care of the environment using technologies that allow the growth of plants in the acoustic barriers, which visually is also attractive.

Euroambiente (environmental engineering), have developed a specific mineral soil with high vegetation capacity and low maintenance.

Instead of having to flee from big cities to the countryside or small towns to seek peace and tranquility, now people can enjoy silence, concentrate much better in their daily activities, avoiding both auditory contamination and visual pollution.

The footprints, vibrations caused by the start-up of machinery (elevators, washing machines, etc.) and in general any noise caused by a direct impact with a constructive element generates a series of vibrations that propagate throughout the structure with little loss of Energy. These noises are called impact noises.

The insulating barriers of noise can be used in offices and places where an isolated and silent acoustic environment is needed, it is very comfortable and favorable for everyone. The result can be reflected in higher employee productivity, increased confidentiality by making conversations in offices and boardrooms more intelligible.

In research laboratories there will be a higher concentration in work, therefore, in productivity; all of this due to the isolating effect this Maccaferri’s barriers provide.


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