Cafe’s pavement tables can stay in place


TABLES, chairs and planters can stay on a forecourt outside a Stockton Heath restaurant following a decision by Warrington’s development management committee.
Councillors approved a retrospective application by the Stonegate pub company for the development outside the Slug and Lettuce in Victoria Square.
Planners said the scheme would mirror that of other similar properties nearby.
The committee was told the applicant had been using the forecourt area for about four years.
The premises was the closest of all licensed premises in the village to residential properties and there had been complaints of noise from local residents, broken glass and litter.
But there were no objections from Stockton Heath Parish Council, the highways department or Environmental Protection.
Officers felt the development would enhance the character and appearance of the Stockton Heath Conservation Area and support local economic growth.


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1 Comment

  1. Outdoor pavement seating areas seem to be the in thing in Stockton Heath these days so I guess they couldn’t have refused it anyway with so many others doing it. I do sort of feel sorry for the place upstairs around the corner who were made to remove their costly and rather nice upper floor outdoor glass eating area enclosure though. OK so they didn’t have planning permission but they to could have been given retrospective permission…but no 🙁 It;s not like it’s a grade II listed building as it;s an new build made to look like an old original. Ahh well…..

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