Tips to Ensure Your Business Trip Goes Smoothly


If you are a frequent business traveller, it is important to do your research beforehand to know the tips and tricks to help your trip be as stress-free as possible. Here are a few tips to ensure your business trip goes smoothly.


The first and most important step is to make a plan that can help document everything you need for a trip and to make sure there are no complications that could arise. Having a list of all the items you need to pack beforehand will ensure you do not miss anything out, meaning you are able to leave for the airport without any added stresses. If your business trip is only for a few days, it might be better to take hand luggage as opposed to a suitcase. This can help save you money and mean you can leave the airport without having to wait for any checked baggage.

Airport Transfers

Getting from the airport to your hotel can be a stressful experience, especially if you do not have a plan in place. If you do not frequent the area you are travelling to, make sure to look online beforehand to see the best and most affordable ways you can transfer, to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Also, bear in mind that taxis outside the airport can charge higher rates, so check transport links beforehand to ensure you get the best deal possible.


Depending on your line of work, you could be in meetings all day on your trip. Having a hotel that is comfortable and relaxing is vital to give you a place to unwind after a busy day. Make sure to look on websites such as Trivago and compare hotel prices from a range of websites, leaving you with the cheapest price. Many hotels offer discounts for business travellers, so ensure you notify them of your reasons for staying to get the best deals. It is also worth looking at loyalty schemes that hotels may provide, which can benefit you, particularly if you travel frequently.


If you are travelling to the airport by car, you will need to leave your vehicle in the airport car park. Birmingham airport offers a variety of services such as valet parking, which means you can park quickly and have a member of staff attend to your car and park it in an area that suits you. There is also the option to have your car washed and polished whilst you are away. Also, there are hotels with parking, Birmingham airport for example, offer different hotel park and fly deals. Obviously, you should check on websites such as, that the hotel you want to stay in provides a package such as this, so if you have an early morning flight, you can travel down the night before without any issues.

Health Kit

With so many bugs and viruses being spread, frequent travelling means you are exposed and at risk of catching something. Having measures in place can help prevent you getting sick and ensure that you can perform your job sufficiently. Taking medications and vitamin tablets with you can help give your body the treatment it needs after a long day travelling. Being in a confined space on the plane will mean you are more prone to catching a bug, so taking precaution can do you good in the long run and ensure your trip goes as successfully as possible.

When to Travel

Knowing when to travel can have a huge impact on how busy the airport is. Busier times can include Monday mornings and Friday nights, as many who work abroad will catch their plane home at this time. If you want your journey to be as stress-free as possible, it might be worth staying for an extra night or travelling at a different time. Although it will cost you more for another night’s accommodation, it can have a significant effect on your stress levels and physical health. Knowing when to travel can help you get more out of your business trips.

Time for You

Just because you are going away for business and not leisure does not mean you cannot have a few hours to enjoy yourself. All work and no play can leave you feeling exhausted and be damaging to your mental health. Giving yourself some downtime will help you prepare for the next day ahead and keep you in good shape for the duration of your business trip. Taking items such as an iPad can be useful, especially for the plane as you will need something to keep you entertained and alert. Ear plugs can also be beneficial, so you are able to get some sleep whilst flying.

If you would like more information or any more tips on how to make your business trip go as smoothly as possible, make sure you look online and chat to others who are in a similar situation to you, so you can learn more about the travel process to put you in good stead and be ready for a successful business trip.




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