Man convicted for defrauding council out of more than £2,000


A GLAZEBURY man has been ordered to pay back thousands of pounds after claiming Council Tax Support money despite having more than £30,000 of savings.

Warrington Borough Council investigators found that Stephen Wardle, of Warrington Road, had fraudulently claimed more than £2,000.

Wardle, aged 39, appeared at Warrington Magistrates court and pleaded guilty to two charges of Council Tax Support Fraud.

The court heard that he submitted a claim for Council Tax Support to the council and on the claim form stated that he did not have any savings or investments when in fact he had a capital sum in excess of £37,000.

He also failed to declare to  the councill either at the date of his claim for Council Tax Support or subsequently that he was receiving income from another source.

Wardle fraudulently claimed £2260.91 in Council Tax Support and £305 in discretionary Council Tax payments.

In addition to repaying the amounts to council the court sentenced Mr Wardle to 210 hrs unpaid work (reduced from 300 because of his early guilty plea) he will have to pay £250 cost and £60 victim surcharge.

After the hearing Cllr Russ Bowden, executive board member for corporate finance, said: “It’s disgraceful that people try to take advantage of benefits designed to help those who are struggling to pay their bills.

“While our investigations team continue to crack down on those abusing the system we would encourage people with a genuine need to apply for the help we can offer.”


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1 Comment

  1. John smithy wilson on

    This guy runs savannah cocktail bar in culcheth and still frauds the system. And there is also drugs being dealt in the venue. Stay clear…

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