American Vacation vs. British Holiday


America and the UK – they both reside in completely different continents, have unbelievably different accents and regulations (who knew Kinder Eggs were banned in America?) Deciding on where to go for your holiday next year can be exceedingly difficult.

Of course, having a British holiday will be much cheaper than going abroad, but visiting America can often be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one that you certainly don’t want to miss out on. Another thing to consider is also the need for a VISA application to the US, which you don’t have to worry about in the UK. With so many different factors contributing to why you should and shouldn’t visit each country, how can you possibly decide? We’re here to help.

American Vacation

  • Different Cultures

The United States of America is home to 50 different states, all completely different from the next. Because of this, taking a vacation to America will allow you to sample a whole range of cultures that just aren’t present in Britain alone. One day, you could be standing in the hustle and bustle of New York, admiring the towering skyscrapers and modern infrastructure. The next day though, you could be relaxing in Florida, soaking up the sun on some of Miami’s beaches or traversing around the incredible tourist parks that they have in Orlando – and that brings us onto our next point.

  • Tourist Parks

Sure, Britain has some pretty exciting attractions, such as Thorpe Park or London Zoo, but none of them compare to the giant parks in America. Florida alone is home to some of the most popular parks in the world, from Disneyworld to the Universal Studios. Never before have you been able to wander into Ollivander’s Wand Shop and feel the sensation of the ‘wand choosing the wizard’! Particularly for those of you looking for an unforgettable family holiday, America is the place to go.

British Holiday

  • Breath-Taking Nature & Scenery

Whilst there are some rural states in America, such as Utah and Mississippi, they don’t quite offer the tranquillity and peace that Britain does. For some people, the booming world of America isn’t quite what they wanted for their holiday, which makes Britain the perfect place to go if you’re simply looking to unwind and revitalise your mind. With quaint villages and huge Lake District parks on offer, all free of charge to walk through, you can’t really beat the scenery on offer in the UK – but it doesn’t end there.

  • Heritage

Out of the hundreds of countries on the globe, Britain is amongst some of the most historical countries of them all. From Romans, to Saxons and even Victorians, the history present here is massively distinctive, and almost resides in every single British town. You can’t deny that the modernisation of American cities is impressive, however seeing historical infrastructure and untouched medieval areas is hugely refreshing. It’s easy to get lost in the historical British monarchy, which after all, is famous in many countries across the world.

Ultimately, the decision of America or Britain completely depends on what you want to get out of your next holiday. Undeniably, America is perfect for those wanting to grab life by the horns and experience something completely life-changing. But, those looking for a little more refinement, authenticity and simply more money to spend at their chosen destination, you can’t get much better than Britain.


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