A big breakfast to support a small business


TWO councillors and an MP sat down to an all-day breakfast to show their support for Small Business Saturday at Warrington.
MP Helen Jones and borough councillors Graham Friend and Diana Bennett visited the Cinnamon Brow Farm Club café and met proprietor Ashley Denton and her team.
The day celebrates the invaluable contribution to the local economy and community of small businesses. In the past the Warrington North has visited a children’s hairdressers, a newsagents and convenience store to promote small businesses.
She said: “I have always supported Small Business Saturday since it was launched in 2013. We should be backing our local small shops and businesses and thank them for the vital contribution they make to the local economy and the local community.
“This year I was invited to have breakfast, which I can thoroughly recommend, at the Cinnamon Brow Farm Club café which has gone from strength to strength since it opened a couple of years ago.
“ Ashley and her team were doing great trade with take-a-ways for England fans watching the Rugby World Cup Final in the club.
“The café is a fantastic little business and a real asset to the local community in Cinnamon Brow.
“There are lots of great businesses in Warrington and the campaign is a great way of raising awareness and helping boost trade. “
Pictured: MP Helen Jones with Ashley Denton and her team along with Cllr Graham Friend and Cllr Diana Bennett.


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1 Comment

  1. Nice to see Helen getting out and about in the constituency. The other week a chemists and this week a community café. Where will it be next week? We can but wonder. Although she can pencil in the 1st June 2018 as its national fish and chip day. Another great opportunity beckons and a free bag of chips to boot!. It sure looks like she’s on a mission to disprove that she only exists to criticise WBC and little else. PS will Helen be declaring the cleaning tabard that she was provided with for this photo shoot?

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