Foundation for Peace gives support to Manchester


WARRINGTON based Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace is providing support in advance of the Manchester Arena re-opening with the ” We Are Manchester” show,  – a benefit concert  taking place tomorrow.

People affected by the May 22 Manchester attack were invited to visit the City Room in advance of the Arena re-opening to the public after being closed for three months.

The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation supported the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in facilitating access to the room and providing emotional support to people attending.

Nick Taylor, Chief Executive said: “People affected by the attack have been invited back to the City Room in advance of the space being reopened to ticket holders for the We Are Manchester concert. There has been huge interest in this private advance visit which has been strongly police regulated and supported by event security, the Peace Foundation and Victim Support.

“The return to operation of the City Room is vital to facilitate the reopening of the Arena. Significant remedial work has already taken place to repair damage to the area and longer term repair work will continue over the coming months.

“Visiting the City Room is clearly a sensitive issue and is not appropriate for all families or survivors, however it is important that we were able to facilitate this time for people to see the space and ask any questions before it reopens. Many other people have also been affected by the attack and by releasing this accompanying image we also hope that this will help to prepare future concert goers for their return to the Arena.

“The City Room will now remain closed until it opens to ticket holders on Saturday at 17:00.”


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