House can be built on garage site


A PLAN to demolish a garage to make way for a three-bedroom detached house in Raymond Avenue, Stockton Heath has been approved by Warrington planning chiefs.
It had been opposed by neighbours and by Cllr Peter Walker on the grounds the proposed house would be too large for the site, overshadowing the houses on either side.
There were also concerns that the development would detract from what is at present an attractive street frontage in Raymond Avenue, reduce light levels in neighbouring homes and gardens and lead to increased parking problems.
But planning officers argued that the development would not have any significant detrimental impact on neighbours and would provide a satisfactory  living condtions for the occupants of the new house.
They recommended the plans be approved – and members of the borough council’s development management committee agreed.


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1 Comment

  1. ‘Setting’ & ‘inconsistencies’ again spring to mind. I hope the lawyers of the disabled lady who was refused permission to keep her downstairs bedroom conservatory are monitoring the news pages.

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