Lib Dems join row over Mersey Gateway bridge

Bob Barr new

Cllr Bob Barr

LIBERAL Democrats have slammed the Conservatives’ “broken promise” over tolls for Warrington residents using the new Mersey Gateway bridge – but have also blamed Labour for the high cost of the project.
The bridge will be a modern wonder of civil engineering – but will come at a high price for Warrington residents, says Cllr Bob Barr, leader of the Lib Dem group on the borough council.
He said: “We warned of this when the then Labour Government was planning the project.
“Andrew Adonis, the Labour minister at the time, wanted an ‘iconic’ crossing, even though engineers warned of the high cost and suggested possible cheaper alternatives.
“Labour now claim that they didn’t ‘spend too much’ before the banks crashed.  They were using the discredited Private Finance Initiative to raise money from the private market to disguise the level of public spending commitments.
“This is an expensive way of borrowing.  Combined with the wish to build a very ambitious bridge, the cost and the tolls required to fund it, rose. It will now cost Warrington residents or workers who need to commute across the Mersey £1,080 a year to use the bridge – yet Labour seek to throw all the blame on the Coalition and Conservative governments.”
Lib Dem transport spokesman Cllr Brian Axcell added: “David Mowat MP, made an unwise promise about the tolls and arrived with a ‘peace in our time’ worthless promise from George Osborne, the then Chancellor.  “Liberal Democrats know about the heavy price politicians pay for finding they can’t deliver their promises.  No doubt David Mowat now fears having to pay a similar price.
“It is hard to see a good outcome for Warrington.  Our roads cannot take the additional traffic load, even if we do get a new bridge in the town. Those needing to use the bridge will find themselves substantially worse off.
“We know from the sparse traffic on the M6 Toll how the public reacts to tolls that are deemed to be too high.  They vote with their wheels and use another route.  That route will be through Warrington.  David Mowat and Helen Jones need to work together and support Warrington to see if they can get the tolling decision reversed.”


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1 Comment

  1. I’m just not getting all this..weren’t the Lib Dems part of the coalition government at the time who (with the conservatives) approved the Gateway project, tolls and all ??

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