Wise up to hate crime


As part of National Hate Crime Awareness week Warrington Borough Council is encouraging young people to Wise Up!

Wise Up! is an annual awards scheme that looks to recognise and celebrate the excellent work that Warrington schools are doing to tackle the issues of bullying and hate crime.

On Tuesday, 12th October, the Wise Up! Group launched their 2017 awards. School councils were invited to submit a completed questionnaire that invites them to share the work they are doing.

There scheme offers inspiration for initiatives to tackle the issues of Hate Crime and Bullying in Warrington schools – sending out a clear message that this behaviour is unacceptable.

Hate crime occurs when someone is targeted because of their race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Hitesh Patel, executive board member for personnel and communications, said: “Hate crime awareness week presents a valuable opportunity to draw attention to behaviour that has the potential to hurt all of us.

“It stops people from living and enjoying their everyday lives – taken to extremes it can destroy lives and inflict long-lasting damage on whole communities.

“This is why it is so important that the police, the council and so many other organisations are determined to tackle it.

“We all have a part to play in challenging discrimination, abuse and bullying, and in promoting and celebrating the diversity that so enriches our society.”

Reports about hate crime can be made online, by phoning 101, or if the situation is urgent dialling 999.

Please click here for further information.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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