From Warrington? It’s Just a Matter of Time Before You Win the Lottery


Hermann via Pixabay

The age-old question: What would you do if you won the lottery? I know what I’d do, it would start with an indefinite round-the-world trip.

One that includes an avalanche of high-end food, a blizzard of luxury cars and a tsunami of jewellery that even Kim K’s robbers would be proud of.

I would observe my new found wealth from a bath filled to the brim with cold, hard cash – suspended on top of a huge, solid gold throne – while simultaneously tweeting about my glorious situation. There wouldn’t be one person I went to school with that wouldn’t know about my new-found affluence I can tell you. Not one. Oh yes, you better believe that I’d live the most opulent, jet-setting life until the inevitable bankruptcy ensued which, let’s be honest, would be sooner rather than later.

Considering what you would do if you actually won is a fun game, isn’t it? It’s one that I used to relentlessly play with my old flatmate every single Wednesday when we would place £2 EuroMillion bets with Lottoland. Unfortunately, our numbers never came in for big money. But that didn’t stop us researching exactly who was winning big and what they were doing with the cash. Good news for people from Warrington: we are the sixth luckiest lottery town in Britain according to the bastion of truth and journalistic excellence that is the Telegraph newspaper.


Warrington would undoubtedly be a good place to spend the cash too. It was, of course, recently named the eighth ‘best place to live in the UK’ by The Hot Housing Index – an award that takes into account “affordability and employment, amenities, schools, internet connectivity and accessibility to public transport”. Apparently, we’re no Crewe but we’re way better than Coventry. Check out some of the houses you could buy in Warrington if you were willing to drop more than £1m on a property.

In 2014, a flock of rugby-mad Wolves fans scooped more than £1.7 million on the lottery. The group of six women – who took away a cool £293,166 a piece – nearly missed out on the monstrous win. They left the winning ticket unnoticed on a fridge for SIX WEEKS before anyone realised what it was worth. “With Christmas being so busy I had just not checked the last ticket we bought. It was just sitting on top of the fridge in our kitchen,” leader of the gang, Julie Phillips, told the Mirror.

Then there’s the story of lucky 56-year-old Warrington man John Gill. He bought a lottery ticket with just minutes to spare on Christmas Day and netted the £1 million jackpot. He told the Daily Mail: “My son had his mobile phone stolen the week before Christmas so I gave him an old phone just so he wasn’t without one.”

Kids being kids, Gill’s son wanted more than an old, tatty hand-me-down phone; he wanted a brand new iPhone. “My reply was, ‘you never know, I may win the lottery on Christmas Day, and then you can have a new one’,” the millionaire explained. “So when I did [win], he said: ‘come on then, remember what you said’.” It seems like there was more than one winner there.

So, there you have it folks, if you live in Warrington you’re pretty much guaranteed to win the lottery – don’t quote me on that but it is basically the case. Let us know what you’ll spend your winnings on in the comments section.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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