Council set to buy town centre “mystery” property


BOROUGH Council chiefs will be urged next week to agree to buy a property in Warrington town centre which officers claim will give the authority a secure net income stream.
The mystery property – which is only identified in the confidential section of the agenda for Monday’s executive board meeting – will enhance the council’s position as a major land owner with the ability to influence the future development of the council, officers say.
terryoneill-248x336A joint report by leader of the council Terry O’Neill (right) and corporate finance chief Russ Bowden (above), says the council keeps a very close watch on economic and property market activity in the town and is aware of many property transactions coming to the market.
A opportunity has arisen to acquire the property, which will bring another town centre asset into council ownership and open an opportunity for future regeneration.
The two councillors recommend that the council acquire the property – although the financial implications are not revealed in their report.
They say the council will be seen to be acting proactively and taking leadership, investing in the town to promote economic development.
Full details will be discussed in the confidential section of Monday’s meeting.

The council agreed to set up a strategic property acquisition fund in 2012.


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    • Tends to be for commercial confidentiality reasons Sha, once the deal is done, it becomes public. I know when I was on the Council, any deals that I had concerns over, I used to get on to the Administration, so hopefully others on the Council might do the same. In fairness to the Administration they used to listen and take on board my concerns.

      • Ah, “commercial confidentiality” the excuse so often used to keep the public in the dark about decisions being made. But how often is it necessary or even appropriate?
        Perhaps if the building were going to auction and the ceiling price WBC were willing to bid was being agreed it might be decided to keep this information from competitors but keeping the identity of the building secret is just ridiculous.
        Any information only becoming public ‘once the deal is done’ denies the public ‘effective consultation’. Effective being the ability of the public to change the outcome.
        The problem with keeping information, even of a commercially sensitive nature, from the public is that we cannot monitor these deals until they are done and then it’s too late to oppose them. How could we know whether the ‘deals’ are going to be beneficial to the town or not? or whether we are getting value for money or paying over the odds?
        We should be able to trust our councillors to act in the best interests of the town but unfortunately past incidences have destroyed any trust that might once have existed. The previous administrations ‘behind closed doors’ dealings when trying to sell off Walton Hall & Gardens to a hotel group used ‘commercial confidentiality’ as an excuse to keep the public in the dark – so no wonder there is concern that WBC’s dealings should be kept open and transparent.

  1. I suppose they keep it secret to stop other developers etc finding out it’s up for sale and maybe offering a higher price the owner too. I wonder which building it is though especially as they say it will “open an opportunity for future regeneration” ……. so lets think…which building could be classed as an ‘asset’ or perhaps be in the way re the already proposed future regeneration plans so the council owning it could then allow demolition further down the line.
    My first guess is that it’s the The old Packet House at the bottom of Bridge Street.

    • Heaven forbid Dizzy that such a thing could happen, wash your mouth out that such a thought should cross your mind. Demolish an old and treasured building, it must be clear to everyone in Warrington that would never be allowed to happen, look at this and previous councils’ record in the preservation of heritage stakes.

  2. Dizzy, I should think that any building up for sale in the town centre would be well advertised and other developers will be well aware of what’s up for sale. I can’t see any being interested as WBC have acquired powers to compulsory purchase and demolish anything that stands in the way of their regeneration project.
    One possibility could be the building next to the old Lion Pub on Bridge St that currently houses Subway – it’s up for auction 13th Sept, and purchase to demolish has crossed my mind also (but this could be a compulsory purchase?).

    As “officers claim (the purchase) will give the authority a secure net income stream” perhaps the old post office building Springfield St, or the large building on the corner of Winmarleigh St or even the soon to be vacated post office building in the Golden Square could be contenders for reconversion and rental?

    One for demolition, which I don’t think they could compulsory purchase, so would have to buy (perhaps by private agreement) could be the old Cabinet Works.
    If the purpose were in fact to buy to demolish it would be difficult to guess which listed building officers would choose, I think if they had their way they might demolish them all!

    POSITRON, if you want to wash out the mouth of everyone who has such thoughts as Dizzy and myself you are going to need a lot of soap! 🙂

    • I’ve been giggling and gargling (vigorously) since first reading of the official explanation for this proposed mystery purchase and the “claim it will give the authority a secure net income stream.” What with Hans Mundy’s assertion, increased parking charges at selected car parks will result in “increased shopper experience and choice”, it seems they are all trying to out do one another by not speaking plainly, in order to confuse those they are supposed to serve.

  3. I would hope that it is a far more substantial piece of real estate than the buildings mentioned, given the claim that it will secure a net income stream…indeed I can think of a couple of possibilities…time will tell I guess.

  4. The Academy perhaps ex warrington guardian offices be a stones throw from the new councl offices opening 2018 is it ? a historic building with Oliver outside – rental potenial too

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