Council chief visits Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft


COUNCIL chief executive Professor Steven Broomhead visited Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft to inspect a number of local priorities and meet with residents.

Councillors Matt Smith, Joan Grime and Jan Davidson welcomed Professor Broomhead for the village walkabout.

His itinerary included a visit to Culcheth village green to see first hand the drainage problems which caused a postponement to the village’s annual Community Day; a meeting with residents on nearby Ellesmere Road and Heswall Avenue to discuss traffic congestion and the installation of off-road parking bays; discussions on the future of the disused garage site on Newchurch Lane and residents’ parking in Round Thorn; and a commitment to restore the damaged grass verges along Culcheth Hall Drive.

Councillor Matt Smith said: “Here in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft, the Labour Party are already delivering on our election pledges.

“We made firm commitments to residents that, if we were elected, we would push for investment in a long-overdue drainage scheme for our village green, and work with the Council and our local housing providers to tackle the serious parking congestion affecting areas such as Round Thorn, Ellesmere Road and Heswall Avenue.

“Alongside our MP, local councillors were delighted to welcome Steven Broomhead to the ward to visit key locations for himself, meet with residents and discuss how the Council can ensure that their top priorities are addressed.”

Professor Broomhead visited the area at the invitation of the village’s three councillors and Warrington North MP Helen Jones, all of whom have corresponded with residents about the issues they drew to his attention.

The Chief Executive took time out of his schedule to meet personally with local people and speak to them face to face about their top concerns.

Councillor Joan Grime added: “The drainage of Culcheth village green is especially important, given that this year’s Community Day has had to be postponed, and the need for off-road parking in certain roads can no longer be ignored by officers.

“We were delighted that Professor Broomhead affirmed publicly a commitment by the Council to fund off-road parking bays in the centre of the village to help alleviate the problems.

“We also visited the garage site on Ellesmere Road, where there is concern about the large storage units which have occupied the site for the past two years. We want to know what these are being used for, and what they contain.”

Councillor Jan Davidson said: “Labour has a strong track record of investment here in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft. We are very pleased to have shown residents our commitment to progressing the next round of important local projects by bringing the Chief Executive in person to set the ball rolling.”

Matt, Joan and Jan have pledged to keep residents updated on the progress of these issues, with commitments from the Council already obtained on a number of the issues highlighted.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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