Village transition group unveils its objectives


KINGSLEY Transition Initiative (KTI) – the organisation which aims to make Kingsley more self-sufficient – holds its AGM on Tuesday, April 26 and has unveiled its list of objectives for the coming year
The meeting at the Red Bull, Kingsley, at 7.30pm will be an occasion to pop in, say hello, have a drink and offer thoughts on the group’s objectives for the coming year.
Spokesman Simon Sherlock said:  “We are always looking for people with new ideas on what else we can do, even if it’s just help out or support our local markets, village events and the community in general.
“This year we will be looking to fill the posts of our retiring secretary and treasurer so if you think you can help in any small way then please come along and join us.”
The group meet monthly for a pint, a natter and a discussion on what can be done to help Kingsley deal with everything from self-sufficiency, community and environment  to projects and energy saving measures in a period of declining fossil fuels etc.
KTI’s objectives for the year include:
Energy: Facilitate public debate on alternative energy issues, encourage energy efficiency through home insulation and solar energy.
Economy: Hold local poduce markets on June 11, September 17 and December 10. Support local provision of quality products and services. Promote upcycling and the concept of a circular economy.
Food: Continue the development of education gardens at Kingsley’s two pri8mary schools. Encourage people to grow their own vegetables and compost and recycle as much as possible.
Community: Encourage engagement of youth in the community; network with other local Transition Groups; lobby and liaise with Cheshire West and Chester Council and Kingsley Parish Council on sustainability issues.


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