Junior PCSO’s tackle school’s parking problems


A WARRINGTON Primary School has launched a Junior PCSO scheme to help tackle parking issues and other problems at the school.
St Augustine’s RC Primary at Latchford launched during a busy morning of activities related to parking, road safety, cycling and transport.
JPCSOs Erin Farrell, Cameron Kinsey, Sian-Paisley McDonald and Oliver Dillon were ready with specially designed parking tickets to issue to anyone parking illegally or irresponsibly while picking up or dropping off children.
Under the watchful eyes of PCSOs Tony Spruce and Lesley Paterson they spoke to any drivers seen to be committing any offences and offered words of advice and encouraged the drivers to park elsewhere.
The scheme seemed to be a great success as only a handful of tickets neede to be issued.
Afterwards, the JPCSOs assisted at an assembly when a Bronze Modeshift Award, funded by the Department of Transport, was presented to the school by Warrington Wolves’ mascot Wolfie.
St Augustine’s were the first school in Warrington to achieve the award.
To complete a busy day, pupils then had a “bike right” session during which the children were taught how to safely ride their bikes and also had their bikes security marked.
Head teacher Andrea Towey said: “It was a fantastic morning and helped ease traffic issues at the school.
“It is always good to work in partnership with our PCSO’s and Warrington Borough Council to make our school a safe place to come to and go each day and we look forward to doing more work with the community to ease the problems.”

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