Double celebration for the Queen’s birthday


CULCHETH people are going to get a chance to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday – on St George’s Day.
The Queen’s actual birthday is on April 21, but the event at the Culcheth Centre, in Jackson Avenue, will be on the nearest Saturday, April 23 which is St George’s Day.
The double celebration will take place in the afternoon and will probably take the form of an afternoon tea, although final details have yet to be arranged.
Cllr Sue Bland (pictured) said:  “The event will give us an opportunity to celebrate the Queen’s actual birthday and St George’s Day at the same time, in advance of her official birthday in June.”
Fundraisers at the Culcheth Centre have been busy raising money for some time to purchase new, lightweight furniture and have now raised £2,700.
The next fundraising event will be on Friday, February 19 when there will be a hotpot and apple pie supper with entertainment.
Cllr Bland said: “We are already looking at lightweight furniture which can be more easily moved by older people.”
*The Queen’s official birthday is in June and she is to hold a “street party” in The Mall, attended by 10,000 guests.


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