Veteran councillor to be Frodsham’s first Freeman


VETERAN councillor Frank Pennington is to be given the Freedom of Frodsham – in honour of his 40 years’ service on Frodsham Town Council.
It was a remarkable turnaround for the outspoken Waterside councillor who only last year was “banned” from membership of all council committees after controversially comparing the council to Hitler.
Only an hour before his name was put forward to be the first Freeman of Frodsham, he had been lambasting the council for putting up the council tax precept!
And in typical Frank Pennington style he thanked members for bestowing the honour on him – and then told them they needed their heads knocking together.
Fellow Waterside councillor Mallie Poulton proposed that the council should institute the honour of “Freedom of Frodsham” and that Cllr Pennington should be the first recipient.
He said he had served the town for 40 years, was the oldest members of the council – at the previous meeting members had sung “Happy Birthday” on the occasion of his 81st birthday – and that no-one could object to him receiving the honour.
The council voted to bestow the honour – although two members abstained from the vote.
Cllr Pennington thanked the council.
He said: “I have had my ups and down and I have been banned from committees. But I am going to stick it out. My heart is in Frodsham and I want Frodsham Town Council to work well.
“But it seems to be struggling a bit at the moment – you all want your heads knocking together.”
Last year, the council bestowed the Freedom of Frodsham on the local branch of the Royal British Legion.
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