Half a million pound social funding deal approved


COUNCIL leaders have approved a deal worth more than half a million pounds to help protect Warrington’s most vulnerable people.

The three-year funding deal with Warrington Housing Association to the Warrington Home Improvement Agency (WHiA) will, according to Warrington Borough Council, save money by reducing the strain on vital health and social care services.

The money will help WHiA to continue providing services, such as home aids and adaptations, that help people remain in their own homes rather than hospitals and care homes. 

It will also support the work of carers supporting people living at home with long-term conditions. 

Councillor Pat Wright, executive member for statutory health and social care, said: “Last year the agency’s dedicated caseworkers, handypersons and technical officers handled more than four thousand cases in Warrington. 

“It’s vital work, supporting some of our most vulnerable residents, and enabling them to live as independently as possible in safe, warm homes at the heart of our communities. 

“The agency’s work also relieves some of the stress on health services and social care by reducing demand on hospitals and care homes, supporting the work of carers and helping manage long-term conditions.

“The matched funding from Warrington Housing Association will allow the agency to reach and support even more vulnerable people.”

Alan Kemp, Chief Executive of Warrington Housing Association, added: “Most of us would choose to remain in our own homes as we age. WHiA supports this choice, and promotes good health and wellbeing for older people at home at a time of rising demand and funding pressures.

“We’re very proud of the real practical difference this partnership with the borough council makes to the daily life of many thousands of older people in Warrington.”


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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