MP to hold fact-finding meeting on fracking


WEAVER Vale MP Graham Evans is holding a fact-finding meeting on fracking for Frodsham residents on Friday January 22.
The meeting will take place at Helsby High School at 7pm and follows on from a similar meeting for Helsby, Alvanley and Manley residents which was held on November 27.
Mr Evans said: “Fracking is a huge issue for local residents so I wanted to arrange a meeting for local residents so that they could ask a panel of experts on all areas relating to fracking.
“The meeting held on the 27th had a panel from across the board so a balanced and informative meeting was possible.
“I pleased to say that local residents went away feeling more knowledgeable on this issue, and I hope that Frodsham residents will also feel this is useful.”
This meeting is open to all Frodsham residents but because of the large numbers expected to attend, residents are asked to pre-register by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01925 606500.


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