Plan to keep tip site going until 2024


Major plans to extend clay extraction on Green Belt land at Rixton and also the importing of waste materials for an additional nine years are to be considered by Warrington’s development management committee.
The proposals at Moat Lane, Rixton and at the Collier waste tip involve extending the life of the site from this year to March 2024.
Objections have been lodged by Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish Council and by a local residents.
But planning officers at Warrington Borough Council are recommending the proposals by approved.
They say clay extraction is an acceptable use of the site and any harm caused by landfilling is outweighed by the need for the clay for brickmaking and by the fact that if the work does not continue it would not be possible to restore the site to an acceptable landform by 2022.
Objectors say operations on the site will cause noise, smells, litter and flash water issues.
Borough councillor Bill Brinksman opposes the scheme on the grounds the site has knowingly been overtipped and that the site operators have failed to comply with conditions.
The site is near the Rixton Claypits nature reserve – a Site of Special Scientific Interest. But Natural England are not objecting as they say continued operation of the site is unlikely to have any impact on the reserve – home to the protected Great Crested Newt.
A report to be considered by the committee indicates that some areas of land currently known to provide habitats for the newts will be affected – although they are not ideal habitats.
Clay extractions has been carried out at Rixton since 1949.  But there is a history of controversial applications to extend clay extraction over a period of many years.



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