Care providers offer staff choice of contract


STAFF at home care provider Carewatch Warrington are being offered the choice of working a guaranteed hours contract or sticking to the current, flexible zero-hours contract routinely used by care providers across the country.
Carewatch is now offering guaranteed hours contracts in Warrington to its care and support workers. Many care workers currently enjoy the flexibility of not having a set number of hours and being able to take on shifts at short notice.
However, others may prefer to have a firmer idea of how many hours they will be working, and with staff satisfaction and performance of primary importance to Carewatch, employees are being encouraged to try this additional option.
Ria Lyon (pictured), branch Manager at Warrington said: “We are delighted to offer our staff further flexibility in their career with Carewatch with this new type of contract. This is a new initiative for the care industry and we recognise that for some of our staff this option may be beneficial. Our teams do an excellent job and we are always looking for ways support them further, enabling them to deliver ever better care in the community.”


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