Names “missing” from village war memorial


STOCKTON Heath Parish Council is investigating what steps are necessary to add 23 “missing” names on  the village war memorial.
The names are on the memorial screen at St Thomas’ Church, but are not on Stockton Heath War Memorial nor the Lower Walton War Memorial.
In addition, the council has been asked to consider an additional names that does not appear on any of the current lists.
Chairman Cllr Celia Jordan (pictured) said: “We think it is only right that all names should be on the village memorial but we want to establish whether there is a protocol for adding names to war memorials.”
The council has approached the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for advice.


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1 Comment

  1. Warrington Borough Council should be able to advise on the protocol/procedures as they have added missing names to the memorial at Bridge Foot.

    I wonder why the 23 names were excluded from the Stockton Heath memorial if they are listed on a memorial screen in the nearby church. Does anyone know why or what their names are ?

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