161 stone shed on rugby themed fitness course


AN INTENSE 12 week rugby themed fitness course has helped more than 140 men and women from Warrington shed a combined weight of 161 stone this year. 

Fit to Tackle is a free programme run by LiveWire and Warrington Wolves, which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people who don’t usually exercise by challenging them to take part in physical activities every week and helping them to improve their diet.

The programme launched at the start of the year and has since seen more than 140 people take part across four different cohorts. Fit to Tackle originally started as a male only course but its success meant that due to popular-demand, a female only version was developed with more than 70 females registering their interest to take part.

All participants engaged in three exercise sessions a week covering all kinds of physical activity including Touch Rugby to improve their strength and to help them shed the pounds.

Those who successfully completed the programme got together for a reunion last week to celebrate their success as the third male and first female programmes came to an end.

Paul Corless, LiveWire Advisor for Lifestyles, said: “We’re tremendously proud of all the participants who’ve done fantastically well to lose so much weight on the programme. A large number of the people who’ve taken part have managed to shift five per cent of their body weight, which is a huge achievement and is testament to their dedication.”

The Fit to Tackle programmes are commissioned by Warrington Public Health with anyone aged between 30-55 with a BMI of more than 27 able to take part.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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