Join in live webchat with borough council chiefs


RESIDENTS of Frodsham, Helsby and Kingsley can join others across West Cheshire in a live webchat with leaders of Cheshire West and Chester Council (CW&C).
They are being urged to ask questions about the council’s priorities and budget proposals for the next four years.
The  webchat will take place between 7-8pm on Wednesday, December 2, with leader of the council Samantha Dixon (pictured above) and cabinet member for legal and finance, Cllr David Armstrong who will be answering questions about the council’s plan and the budget.
The authority recently launched its widest ever public consultation titled “Let’s Talk” to gather views on its priorities and budget proposals for 2016-2020.
The consultation sets out a range of proposals that will affect how the council operates and how services are delivered in future in the face of significant reductions to its budget.
The live webchat offers people the chance to have their say by asking questions on these proposals and the options set out for balancing the books over the next four years.
The chatroom will be at
Cllr Dixon said: “We have to make difficult choices about what the council protects, does differently, or even stops doing altogether.
“What is crucial is that every pound we spend improves the lives of residents, so it is vital that these decisions are shaped by our residents.
“This webchat is one of a number of consultation events we are doing across the borough. I want to be clear that this is a genuine consultation and that council will listen to the views of local people.
“This is a chance for our residents to influence how we operate and deliver services for the next four years and ensure that our priorities are aligned with the priorities of those we are here to serve.
“I would therefore urge people to ask their questions, both about our priorities, and how we can raise our income or reduce our spending.”
The consultation runs until January 6.
There are a number of other ways people can get involved and have their say:
* Visit for full details and to complete an online questionnaire, or pick up a paper copy at any Cheshire West and Chester library, Brio leisure centre or any council office.
* Use the online budget simulator via the above link to make decisions on priorities and suggest how the council might allocate its budget
* Join one of the many Let’s Talk consultation events taking place throughout the borough including discussion groups with residents, businesses, interest groups and partners.
Full details are available at
Final proposals will be considered at the Council’s annual budget setting meeting in February.

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