Greens hit out over 29,000 earning less than living wage


WARRINGTON Green Party has hit out after shock new statistics reveal that around 29,000 workers in the borough are being paid less than the living wage.
The Greens are highlighting figures from the Office for National Statistics which show that a huge 26.7 per cent of Warrington employees are being paid below £8.25 per hour – the level independently suggested as necessary to meet day to day living costs.
Steph Davies (pictured), leader of Warrington Green Party, said: “We are shocked that so many working people are being caught in this poverty trap.
“Figures for Halton are not far behind with 20.6 per cent of employees failing to be paid acceptably.
“We believe the living wage should be paid to all in employment and that it should be at least £10 an hour by 2020.”
The statistics form part of a report by accountancy firm KPMG which estimates there are now 5.84 million people in the UK earning less than the living wage.  The report analyses the economic impact of raising the current minimum wage to the living wage which it is estimated would lift six million people out of poverty.
The KPMG report suggests that paying at living wage standards makes good economic sense for employers.  Since introducing the living wage for its staff in 2006, KPMG has found that the extra salary costs are more than met by lowered recruitment churn and absenteeism, greater loyalty, and higher morale leading to better performance.
Steph added: “We know that responsible employers are already leading the way by paying at living wage levels.
“We now want to see all businesses in Warrington do the same.”
More than 2,000 organisations are now accredited Living Wage employers. They gain accreditation through the Living Wage Foundation which is run by the charity Citizens UK.


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