Woman falsely claimed £21,000 benefit


A WOMAN falsely claimed more than £21,000 benefit because she failed to declare that she had a partner living with her, magistrates heard at Warrington.
Tracey Sutton, 45, of Ellen Street, Warrington, pleaded guilty to three offences of benefit fraud and was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for  12 months, was ordered to observe a 16-week 7pm-7am curfew and was ordered to repay the money.
The court was told that between April 2012 and December last year, Sutton was claiming benefits as a single person but failed to declare that her partner lived with her.
As a result she was overpaid £11,457 in housing benefit, £1,647 in council tax benefit/support and £8,696 in employment support allowance – a total of £21,800.
After the hearing, Adrian Webster, the borough council’s benefits and exchequer services manager, said: “Every day in the UK over 200 benefit thieves are caught – the clear message is if you commit benefit fraud, you will be caught.”


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