Structural survey on Cenotaph


A FULL structural survey has been carried out on Warrington’s Cenotaph at Bridge Foot as part of the borough council’s continuing investment in the memorial.
The results of the survey are now being collated – but in the meantime the council has worked with partners, including members of the Friends of the Cenotaph group to carry out improvements.
Agreement has been reached with the Friends to ensure the Union flag is flown correctly at the site. The agreement is on a trial basis until July next year.
The council’s Armed Forces/World War 1 Commemoration Task Group announced its commitment to improving the Cenotaph towards the end of last year.
mike-hannonSince then the structural survey has been carried out and an interim pedestrian crossing has been installed near to Knutsford Road.
Deputy leader of the council and chairman of the Armed Forces/World War 1 Commemoration task group, Cllr Mike Hannon (pictured), said: “The council is committed to maintaining the Cenotaph in a respectful manner. We have been working with interested partners including the Friends of Warrington Cenotaph and liaised with veteran organisations as we develop plans to do this.
“We are investing in the Cenotaph and I am pleased that improvements have been made and we will continue to do this with the help of our partners.
“The council works with charities and organisations to support veterans.
“We will continue to work positively with all groups in remembering those who have fallen and who sacrificed themselves to secure our freedom.”


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  1. You can tell its coming up to the 11/11 as this is the only time things gets done. Except for the gardners who work evey hard Spend a little time looking and take a note on how long veterans have been fighting for the basic things that have just been put in the more time people take too look you will be surprise on the way our vetrans have not had a voice with this council

  2. Well, no suprises here then,
    Yet again on the run up t 11/1….
    When was ts done, we have spent many ours there and not seen anything going on
    A Ste says gardens we cant fault ,,the issues the state of the site are a million miles away from being sorted
    a lot of it is beyond repair..
    And it sas he flags ne 1 year trial we know that, so what after the one year then ?

  3. I contacted the National Wars Trust,, here is one reply, im not surprised that our council have been very quiet by the sounds of it,,, . well little do they know ive been one step ahead and have the rite as public to air my concerns with them over our memorial,,,,

    Dear Julie

    Thank you for your email and pictures. The Trust shares your concern for this memorial and has had ad-hoc communication over the past few years with the Council about various plans (from relocation to improving access and undertaking repair and conservation works). This contact seem to have gone quiet. I have today emailed the council press office to see if issue could be resurrected and to establish if the Trust is able to assist at all (either through the provision of advice and/or grants).

    I will keep you informed of any progress

    • Myself along with many others would like to see this survey ?
      I have every rite to contact the war graves trust, or commission
      as dos any member of the public,,

  4. Gary, did they given any indication as to how long it will take to collate the structural report findings before they are available? I too would be interesting in reading them and also any past structural reports that may have been done on the site and cenotaph/memorial over the years. I appreciate that things like this are sometimes not always made available to read on line but the council do usually give copied of reports if they are asked or under a FOI request if need be.

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