Hallowe’en – and the risk of fire


FIREFIGHTERS at Warrington have sounded a warning about the danger of fire-related accidents on Hallowe’en.
They stress that they don’t want to spoil the enjoyment to be had but simply to warn people about the potential dangers.
To help with this, they have produced a “Stop, Drop and Roll” safety video.
Every year at Hallowe’en many adults and children are injured in accidents where lighted candles have ignited flammable costumes and hair.
But there are safety steps which can be taken to limit the dangers.
Sean Henshaw, Cheshire Fire and Rescue’s  service delivery manager for Warrington, explains: “We don’t want to stop children enjoying themselves at Hallowe’en, but we do want them to stay safe. Parents and guardians can help by making sure that only fire retardant costumes are worn and that any flowing bits of costume and fake hair are kept away from naked flames.
“Instead of using tealight candles in pumpkins or lanterns, battery operated tealights could be used instead, and battery operated candles can be carried. Above all, children should know how to ‘stop drop and roll’ if they are in contact with fire.
Many young children are already aware of this technique as they are taught it in schools when firefighters visit and a video has been produced which can be seen on the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service website.
Hallowe’en parties often feature candles around the home and extra care should be taken with these. Not only can they be knocked over but flowing costumes and fake hair can easily catch fire if they come into contact with candle flames.
Anyone whose clothing catches fire should remember the the Stop Drop and Roll techniques:
*Stop where you are. Do not run. Running can make things worse.
*Drop to the ground. Lay flat with your legs out straight.
*Cover your eyes and mouth with your hands.
*Roll over and over and back and forth until the flames are out.
*Get help straight away.
The Stop, Drop and Roll video can be seen on the website http://www.cheshirefire.gov.uk/news-

Pictured: A safe, battery illuminated pumpkin


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