MP backs campaign to make coal history


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones is showing her support for Christian Aid’s Big Shift campaign – which aims to make coal burning history.
With momentum towards a low-carbon economy growing around the world,  the campaign urges the UK Government to publish a plan to phase out coal power without carbon capture technology from the UK power sector by 2023.
The MP said: “Coal has helped power the industrial revolution and propelled Britain to become one of the richest countries in the world,  but it’s time for coal to be a part of our history and not our future.
“Coal is one of the most polluting fossil fuels and the Prime Minister has already promised to phase it out of our energy system.  What we now need is a firm date – no later than 2023.
“Now is the right time to show global leadership on this issue ahead of the Paris climate summit in December.  The future is not polluting fossil fuels, it’s a modern, low carbon energy system.
“Not only is this the right move for Britain, it’s also the right move for the many developing countries which are affected by climate change.  Britain has a proud history of helping the world’s poor and taking a responsible approach to our atmosphere should be a part of that.”
The campaign also calls on the Government to stop using UK Export Credits to fund any coal projects overseas.


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