Planners want to reject green belt garden


PLANNERS at Warrington will take a second look next week at a retrospective application to change a piece of open land in the Green Belt into a domestic garden.
Applicant John Hawthorne also wants permission to build a workshop and carport on the site in Lady Lane, Croft.
The application is a resubmission of one made in March, which was refused at that time – and officers are again recommending it be refused.
A report to the borough council’s development management committee says the applicant, who lives adjacent to the site, bought the land from developer when a housing development was taking place.  He wants to use the proposed building to store a caravan and van and the workshop for repairs.
The site is in the Green Belt and planning officers say the proposal, although modest in comparison to the adjoining development of 26 houses.
is inappropriate in the Green Belt and results in the encroachment of a residential use into land contiguous with adjacent woodland.


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